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2025 Young Researcher Prize

Every year, the Fondation des Treilles awards a prize for excellence to young researchers at the end of their thesis, in recognition of the originality and relevance of their research. This year, Zoé Velasquillo Ramirez was awarded the Young Researcher Prize.

Zoé Velasquillo Ramirez is a PhD student in Eve Gazave’s team, working on the following topic:

“Regeneration is widespread in animals, but its amplitude varies. Limited in humans, it allows other species to regenerate limbs or even their entire bodies. Comparing these different cases is essential to determine how some species effectively regenerate parts of their bodies while others cannot. I’m studying posterior and appendage regeneration in the marine worm Platynereis dumerilii. I’m interested in the identity and fate of cells in the blastema, a mass of undifferentiated proliferative cells formed at the wound site, in order to identify those essential to the success of both regenerations.”

More informations on the Fondation’s Linkedin account.

(c) Photo credit : Zoé Velasquillo Ramirez