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Thesis defense –  Dunja Čelebić – 09/10/2023 

Dunja Čelebić (Wassmann Lab) will defend her thesis:

“Exploring the phosphoproteome landscape at the transition from the first to the second meiotic division” 

The thesis defense will be held in English on October, 9 at 2pm in the François Jacob room at the Institut Jacques Monod

The jury will be composed of:

Dr Jean-Paul Javerzat, Directeur de recherche CNRS, IBGC, reviewer

Dr Emmanuelle Martini, Directrice de recherche CEA, Institut de biologie Francois Jacob, reviewer

Dr Valerie Borde, Directrice de recherche CNRS, Institut Curie, examinator

Dr Joao Matos, Professor, University of Vienna, Max Perutz Labs, examinator

Dr Katja Wassmann, Directrice de recherche CNRS, IJM, director

Dr Sandra Touati, Chargée de recherche CNRS, IJM, co-director

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