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Thesis defense – Jeanne Mattei – 20/12/2023

Jeanne Mattei (Grange/Geigl Lab) will defend her thesis entitled:

Paleogenomic study of the domestication process of cats


The defense will be held in French on Wednesday 20th December, at 2 pm in the room 05 (ground floor) of the Condorcet building, (4 Rue Elsa Morante, 75013 Paris)

The jury is composed of

  • Catherine ANDRE, Head of Research CNRS, IGDR, Rennes 2 University, Reporter & Examinor
  • Diyendo MASSILANI, Assistant Professor, Yale School of Medicine, Reporter & Examinor
  • Marie ABITBOL, Professeure, VetAgro Sup, Examinor
  • Gilles FISCHER, Directeur de Recherche, Sorbonne Université, Examinor
  • Arturo MORALES MUÑIZ, Professeur, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Examinor
  • Eva-Maria GEIGL, Directrice de recheche, Institut Jacques Monod, Thesis supervisor
  • Thierry GRANGE, Directeur de recherche, Institut Jacques Monod, Invited member (Co-supervisor)
  • Michael LANG, Chargé de recherche CNRS, EGCE, Paris-Saclay University, Invited member

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