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Séminaire IJM – Vincent Laudet – 20/06/2024

Invité par l’équipe Courtier, Vincent Laudet (Eco-Evo-Devo Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan / Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. CNRS IRL 2028 “Eco-Evo-Devo of Coral Reef Fish Life Cycle” (EARLY) ) présentera un séminaire de l’Institut Jacques Monod sur le thème :

Clownfishes: New models for Eco-Evo-Devo


Résumé :

Clownfishes are becoming relevant marine models in developmental biology and evolutionary sciences. A large amount of knowledge has been gathered on these iconic fish by ecological labs that have characterized their ecology, diversity, pigmentation, behavior and complex interactions. We are now scrutinizing the molecular and developmental basis of all these features. In my labs we are developing the clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris as an experimental laboratory model and we benefit also from the presence of 6 different species of anemonefishes around Okinawa. Clownfish are suitable as a functional lab models on which experimental approaches can be performed. Because they live in highly structured social group in sea anemone, they allow tackling a series of scientific questions such as the formation and functions of pigment patterns, the social control of growth, sex change or the molecular basis of symbiosis. But clownfish are also allowed to analyze larval recruitment, local adaptation and the effect of climate change and pollution on the reef ecosystem. I will present these models mainly focusing on their life history strategy and how hormones control their plastic response to environment.

More generally what we are doing on clownfish can also be done with other coral reef fish or marine organisms living in Okinawa. This is why to promote exchange and collaboration between OIST and CNRS units we have set up an “International Research Laboratory” called EARLY (“An Eco-Evo-Devo perspective on corAl Reef fishes Life cYcle.”) that is a flexible and reactive platform to promote collaborations.


Le séminaire aura lieu jeudi 20 juin de 15h à 16h en salle François Jacob ( 15 rue Hélène Brion 75013 Paris).

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