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Collignon Lab – Dissecting signaling hierarchies in the patterning of the mouse primitive streak using micropatterned EpiLC colonies

Congratulations to the Collignon Team for this new paper just published in Stem Cell Reports! Dissecting signaling hierarchies in the patterning of the mouse primitive streak using micropatterned EpiLC colonies Summary Embryo studies have established that the patterning of the mouse gastrula depends on a regulatory network in which the WNT, BMP, and NODAL signaling pathways cooperate,…

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IJM Seminar – Kevin Chalut – 21/06/2022

Invited by René-Marc Mège, Kevin Chalut (Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, University of Cambridge) will give  on June 21st a seminar entitlted : Mechanobiology of cell fate choice   Biography Kevin Chalut is a physicist by training, who became fascinated in recent years with stem cells and development. In particular, he has been trying to seamlessly connect physics…

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IJM Seminar – Amir Yassin – 17/06/2022

Invited by Virginie Courtier, Amir Yassin will give on June 17th a seminar entitled: Evolution of the genetic architecture underlying sex-limited pigmentation variation in Drosophila Research interests My research focuses on the systematics and evolutionary genetics of flies in the family Drosophilidae. Drosophila melanogaster is undoubtedly a genetics star, but our understanding of the morphological and…

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IJM Seminar – Romain Koszul – 14/06/2022

Invited by Benoit Palancade, Romain Koszul (Institut Pasteur)  will give a seminar entitled: Molecular mechanisms and chromatin determinants of chromosome folding in yeast   About his lab: The folding of chromosomes is a carefully regulated process, essential to the function and propagation of DNA molecule(s) over generations. Past and recent work have revealed its importance in…

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Cytoskeleton Club – 15/06/2022

It is with great pleasure that we are announcing the programme for the restart of the Cytoskeleton Club meetings in person. For this great occasion, we will have a double session with 4 speakers. The meeting will take place on Wednesday 15th of June at 9.30 am,  in the amphitheatre 9E of our university Paris Cité.   PROGRAMME :…

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Monod-Diderot Conference – Bertrand Séraphin – 10/06/2022

The Monod-Diderot Conference will host on Friday 10 June Bertrand SÉRAPHIN - Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire (IGBMC) CNRS/Inserm/Université de Strasbourg - who will give a seminar entitled : Starting from the end: mechanism and regulation of mRNA decay Abstract: We are interested to unravel the mechanisms controlling eukaryotic gene expression at the…

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Ingénieur d’études en génétique moléculaire (H/F)

L'équipe Duharcourt de l'Institut Jacques Monod recrute un ingénieur d'études (CDD 2 ans) pour explorer les mécanismes et la régulation de la dynamique du génome chez Paramecium.   Informations générales Référence : UMR7592-SANDUH-003 Lieu de travail : PARIS 13 Date de publication : mercredi 25 mai 2022 Type de contrat : CDD Technique/Administratif Durée du contrat : 24 mois Date d'embauche prévue : 1 septembre 2022 Quotité…

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First edition of the Life, Structure, and Cognition (LSC) event

LSC, for Life, Structure, and Cognition, is a new initiative led by Yves Barral (ETH Zurich), Mikhail Gromov (IHES, University of Paris-Saclay), Robert Penner (IHES, University of Paris-Saclay), and Vasily Pestun (IHES, University of Paris-Saclay). The goal of this event is to provide an annual update on the latest advancements in LSC components and to explore the modalities for cooperative progress between…

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Romet-Lemonne / Jégou Lab: Using Microfluidics and Fluorescence Microscopy to Study the Assembly Dynamics of Single Actin Filaments and Bundles

Congratulations to Romet-Lemonne / Jégou Team for this new paper just published in JoVE: Using Microfluidics and Fluorescence Microscopy to Study the Assembly Dynamics of Single Actin Filaments and Bundles Abstract In order to decipher the complex molecular mechanisms that regulate the assembly and disassembly of actin filaments, it is a great asset to monitor individual…

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Ribes Lab – Divergent transcriptional and transforming properties of PAX3-FOXO1 and PAX7-FOXO1 paralogs

Congratulations to the Ribes Team for this new paper just published in PLOS Genetics!   Divergent transcriptional and transforming properties of PAX3-FOXO1 and PAX7-FOXO1 paralogs   Abstract The hallmarks of the alveolar subclass of rhabdomyosarcoma are chromosomal translocations that generate chimeric PAX3-FOXO1 or PAX7-FOXO1 transcription factors. Overexpression of either PAX-FOXO1s results in related cell transformation in animal models. Yet,…

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