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Post-doc / Minc Lab

We're hiring! We have an open post-doc position in the Minc Lab, for an ERC-funded project on cell division, cytoplasm mechanics and early embryo development. More: MincLab_Postdoc_Position_2022 Contact:  nicolas.minc (at)

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21st RIME (Réseau d’Imagerie en Microscopie Electronique) days- 1-3/06/2022

The ImagoSeine facility from the Institut Jacques monod, in collaboration with the Cochin Institute, is organising the 21st RIME (Réseau d'Imagerie en Microscopie Electronique) days from June 1st to 3rd in the "amphi Buffon". The theme of these days will be : Molecular and chemical localisation techniques in electron microscopy   PROGRAMME : Wednesday 01 juin 2022 Session 1 : 14h30 -…

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Libri Lab: A Modified Cross-Linking Analysis of cDNAs (CRAC) Protocol for Detecting RNA–Protein Interactions and Transcription at Single-Nucleotide Resolution

Just published in Yeast Functional Genomics  pp 35-55 A Modified Cross-Linking Analysis of cDNAs (CRAC) Protocol for Detecting RNA–Protein Interactions and Transcription at Single-Nucleotide Resolution by: Drice Challal Jessie Colin Tommaso Villa Domenico Libri   Abstract Detecting protein–RNA interactions in vivo is essential for deciphering many important cellular pathways. Several methods…

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Camadro Lab / ProtéoSeine: Quantitative Proteomics in Yeast : From bSLIM and Proteome Discoverer Outputs to Graphical Assessment of the Significance of Protein Quantification Scores

Just publisehd in Yeast Functional Genomics  pp 275-292   Quantitative Proteomics in Yeast : From bSLIM and Proteome Discoverer Outputs to Graphical Assessment of the Significance of Protein Quantification Scores By Nicolas Sénécaut Pierre Poulain Laurent Lignières Samuel Terrier Véronique Legros Guillaume Chevreux Gaëlle Lelandais Jean-Michel Camadro

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Pintard Lab: The kiss of life: Aurora A embraces the phosphate of its cofactor Bora to trigger mitotic entry

A new paper published dans médecine/sciences par l'équipe Pintard : The kiss of life: Aurora A embraces the phosphate of its cofactor Bora to trigger mitotic entry   La plupart des organismes vivants pluricellulaires sont constitués d’un grand nombre de cellules très différentes. À l’exception des gamètes, qui sont le produit d’une division cellulaire particulière (méiose), toutes…

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Séminaire IJM – Robin Hiesinger – 17/05/2022

Invited by Nikos Konstantinides, Robin Hiesinger (Professor and Head of Neurobiology Division, Institute for Biology, Free University Berlin, Germany) will give a seminar entitled:   How does a neuron decide when and where to make a synapse?   Precise synaptic connectivity is a prerequisite for the function of neural circuits, yet individual neurons, taken out of their developmental…

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IJM Seminar – Sylvain Gabriele – 20/05/2022

Sylvain Gabriele (University of Mons, Belgium) will give a seminar entitled :   Mechanobiology of epithelial cells: confinement, neighbours and curvature   The Mechanobiology & Soft Matter group belongs to the Interface and Complex Fluids Laboratory at the University of Mons. We seek to understand the basic physical principles underlying force transmission and elucidating how cell mechanical properties regulate cellular…

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Duharcourt Lab – Paramecium Polycomb repressive complex 2 physically interacts with the small RNA-binding PIWI protein to repress transposable elements

A new paper published by Duharcourt Team in Developmental Cell! Paramecium Polycomb repressive complex 2 physically interacts with the small RNA-binding PIWI protein to repress transposable elements   Summary Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) maintains transcriptionally silent genes in a repressed state via deposition of histone H3K27-trimethyl (me3) marks. PRC2 has also been implicated in silencing transposable elements (TEs), yet how PRC2…

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Sandra Duharcourt, CNRS Silver Medal

Sandra Duharcourt, Director of Research at the CNRS and head of the "Epigenetic Regulation of Genome Organization" team at the Institut Jacques Monod (CNRS / Université Paris Cité), is the recipient of the 2022 CNRS Silver Medal. The CNRS Silver Medal is awarded to researchers for the originality, quality and importance of their work, recognised at…

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