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IJM Seminar – Clare Buckley – 13/05/2022

Invited by Vanessa Ribes, Clare Buckley (Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge, UK) will give a seminar entitled : Building and Breaking the Neural Tube Her lab studies the fundamental cell biology of neural tube development using optogenetic and advanced live imaging approaches in vivo, within in the zebrafish hindbrain. They aim to…

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IJM Seminar – Michalis Averof – 10/05/2022

Michalis Averof (Institut de Génomique Fonctionelle de Lyon (IGFL) - CNRS) will give a seminar entitled:   Do animals use the same mechanisms to generate and regenerate complex organs?   His team studies embryonic development and regeneration in crustaceans and insects. We try to understand the diverse mechanisms that these animals use to build and repair their bodies; for example, how different…

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IJM Seminar – Jérôme Déjardin – 29/04/2022

Invited by Benoit Palancade, Jérôme Déjardin (Biologie des séquences répétées, Institut de Génétique Humaine, CNRS-Université de Montpellier),will give a seminar entitled : The control of DNA repeats in embryonic stem cells   Chromatin can be viewed as a highly complex mixture of proteins and nucleic acids that orchestrate DNA-based processes in the eukaryotic genome. Most of the…

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IJM Seminar – Isabel Almudi Cabrero – 22/04/2022

Invited by Nikos Konstantinides, Isabel Almudi Cabrero (Department of genetics, microbiology and Statitics and IRBio , University of Barcelona) will give a seminar entitled:   Mayflies take off: a new evo-devo model to investigate insect evolution and the origin of new forms   Isabel is a Beatriz Galindo researcher at the Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics Department at the…

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Konstantinides Lab: A complete temporal transcription factor series in the fly visual system

A new paper just published in Nature by Nikos Konstantinides! Congratulations to all the authors   A complete temporal transcription factor series in the fly visual system   Abstract The brain consists of thousands of neuronal types that are generated by stem cells producing different neuronal types as they age. In Drosophila, this temporal patterning is driven by the successive expression…

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Courtier Lab: Non-visual cues and indirect strategies that enable discrimination of asymmetric mates

Congratulations to Roshan Kumar Vijendravarma (Courtier Lab) for this new article published with Pierre Leopold (Institut Curie) in Ecology and Evolution: Non-visual cues and indirect strategies that enable discrimination of asymmetric mates   Abstract The postulates of developmental instability–sexual selection hypothesis is intensely debated among evolutionary biologists, wherein despite a large amount of empirical data, evidence for…

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Duharcourt Lab: GC content, but not nucleosome positioning, directly contributes to intron splicing efficiency in Paramecium

A new paper just published by Duharcourt Team in Genome Research! GC content, but not nucleosome positioning, directly contributes to intron splicing efficiency in Paramecium   Abstract Eukaryotic genes are interrupted by introns that must be accurately spliced from mRNA precursors. With an average length of 25 nt, the more than 90,000 introns of Paramecium tetraurelia stand among the…

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Postdoctoral position in cell division during epithelial morphogenesis

We are looking for a motivated postdoctoral fellow to join our team at the Institut Jacques Monod (IJM), Paris, France. Our research work focuses on dissecting the mechanisms that control cell division in mammalian epithelium, using intestinal organoids as a model. The successful applicant will join a collaborative project of two groups headed by Dr Delphine Delacour…

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IJM Seminar – Jean-Yves Tinevez – 15/04/2022

Jean-Yves Tinevez (Image Analysis Hub / C2RI / Institut Pasteur, Paris) will give on April 15th a seminar entitled:   Bioimage analysis platforms to track cells in large samples.   The Image Analysis Hub (IAH) of the Institut Pasteur is a core facility dedicated to service in Bioimage Analysis. Our mission is to support the research projects of…

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