L'équipe Borghi a publié un article dans Biophysical Journal :
Tension makes the cell throw up
Lachuer H. Tension makes the cell throw up. Biophys J. 2025 Jan 3:S0006-3495(24)04128-6. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2024.12.033. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39889700.
L'équipe Jackson/Verbavatz a publié un nouvel article dans Nature Microbiology :
The Asgard archaeal origins of Arf family GTPases involved in eukaryotic organelle dynamics
Résumé :
The evolution of eukaryotes is a fundamental event in the history of life. The closest prokaryotic lineage to eukaryotes, the Asgardarchaeota, encode proteins previously found only in eukaryotes, providing insight into…
L'équipe Prioleau a publié un nouvel article dans Nucleic Acid Research :
Dual DNA replication modes: varying fork speeds and initiation rates within the spatial replication program in Xenopus
Résumé :
Les génomes des vertébrés se dupliquent en activant des dizaines de milliers d'origines de réplication de l'ADN, réparties de manière irrégulière le long du génome. Cependant, en…
L'équipe Doye a publié un article dans Current Opinion in Cell Biology :
Opening the gate: Complexity and modularity of the nuclear pore scaffold and basket
Résumé :
Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are giant molecular assemblies that form the gateway between the nucleus and the cytoplasm and accommodate the bidirectional transport of a large variety of…
La plateforme Protéoseine a contribué à la publication d'un article dans Journal of Proteome Research :
Molecular Mechanisms of Acanthamoeba castellanii Response to Different Sources of Oxidative Stress
Résumé :
Oxidative stress is a biological principle affecting all life on Earth and is also an important factor in the pathogen-host relationship. The pathogenic free-living amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii has several pathways…
L'équipe Gazave a contribué à la publication d'un nouvel article dans Science Advances :
A positive feedback loop between germ cells and gonads induces and maintains sexual reproduction in a cnidarian
Résumé :
The fertile gonad includes cells of two distinct developmental origins: the somatic mesoderm and the germ line. How somatic and germ cells interact to…
L'équipe Minc et l'équipe Dumont ont publié un report dans Current Biology :
Cell shape modulates mitotic spindle positioning forces via intracellular hydrodynamics
Résumé :
The regulation of mitotic spindle positioning and orientation is central to the morphogenesis of developing embryos and tissues.1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 In many multicellular contexts,…
L'équipe Ladoux/Mege a publié un nouvel article dans Nature Physics :
Dynamic forces shape the survival fate of eliminated cells
Résumé :
Tissues eliminate unfit, unwanted or unnecessary cells through cell extrusion, and this can lead to the elimination of both apoptotic and live cells. However, the mechanical signatures that influence the fate of extruding cells remain…
L'équipe Gazave a publié un nouvel article dans Molecular Biology and Evolution :
The Rich Evolutionary History of the Reactive Oxygen Species Metabolic Arsenal Shapes Its Mechanistic Plasticity at the Onset of Metazoan Regeneration
Résumé :
La régénération, ou capacité à restaurer des parties du corps après une blessure, est répandue chez les métazoaires. Cependant, les mécanismes…
Les équipes Dumont, Pintard, Jackson/Verbavatz ainsi que la plateforme ImagoSeine ont publié un nouvel article dans Journal of Cell Biology :
An interkinetic envelope surrounds chromosomes between meiosis I and II in C. elegans oocytes
Résumé :
At the end of cell division, the nuclear envelope reassembles around the decondensing chromosomes. Female meiosis culminates in two consecutive cell divisions…