L'équipe de Sébastien Léon vient de publier un nouvel article dans PLOS Genetics, intitulé :
2-deoxyglucose transiently inhibits yeast AMPK signaling and triggers glucose transporter endocytosis, potentiating the drug toxicity
2-deoxyglucose is a glucose analog that impacts many aspects of cellular physiology. After its uptake and its phosphorylation into 2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphate (2DG6P), it interferes with several metabolic…
Un nouvel article co-signé par la plateforme ProtéoSeine :
Cisplatin causes covalent inhibition of protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) through reaction with its active site cysteine: Molecular, cellular and in vivo mice studies
Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) is a critical regulator of different signalling cascades such as the EGFR pathway. The biological importance of PTP1B is further…
Manon Monier et Virginie Courtier viennent de publier dans Insects une nouvelle revue :
Drosophila Glue: A Promising Model for Bioadhesion
The glue produced by Drosophila larvae to attach themselves to a substrate for several days and resist predation until the end of metamorphosis represents an attractive model to develop new adhesives for dry environments. The…
Féliciations à l'équipe Libri pour ce nouvel article publié dans Molecular Cell!
Sen1 is a key regulator of transcription-driven conflicts
Cellular homeostasis requires the coordination of several machineries concurrently engaged in the DNA. Wide-spread transcription can interfere with other processes, and transcription-replication conflicts (TRCs) threaten genome stability. The conserved Sen1 helicase not only terminates non-coding transcription but…
Félicitations à l'équipe Borghi qui vient de publier dans STAR Protocols un nouveau papier :
Molecular tension microscopy of the LINC complex in live cells
We present a protocol to measure the effect of pharmacological treatments on the mechanical tension experienced by nesprins at the cytoplasmic surface of the nuclear envelope of mammalian cells…
Pierre Poulain et Jean-Michel Camadro viennent de publier dans BMC Research Notes un article sur un outil en ligne qu'ils ont développé (AutoClassWeb), qui fournit une interface web simple et facile à utiliser pour le regroupement bayésien avec AutoClass :
AutoClassWeb: a simple web interface for Bayesian clustering of omics data
Objective: Data clustering is…
Félicitations à l’équipe Collignon pour ce nouvel article publié dans Stem Cell Reports!
Dissecting signaling hierarchies in the patterning of the mouse primitive streak using micropatterned EpiLC colonies
Embryo studies have established that the patterning of the mouse gastrula depends on a regulatory network in which the WNT, BMP, and NODAL signaling pathways cooperate, but aspects…
Félicitations à l'équipe Courtier pour ce nouvel article publié dans Journal of Thermal Biology:
Developmental timing of Drosophila pachea pupae is robust to temperature changes
Rearing temperature is correlated with the timing and speed of development in a wide range of poikiloterm animals that do not regulate their body temperature. However, exceptions exist,…
Félicitations à l'équipe Romet-Lemonne / Jégou pour ce nouvel article publié dans JoVE:
Using Microfluidics and Fluorescence Microscopy to Study the Assembly Dynamics of Single Actin Filaments and Bundles
In order to decipher the complex molecular mechanisms that regulate the assembly and disassembly of actin filaments, it is a great asset to monitor individual reactions…
Félicitations à l'équipe Ribes pour ce nouvel article publié dans PLOS Genetics!
Divergent transcriptional and transforming properties of PAX3-FOXO1 and PAX7-FOXO1 paralogs
The hallmarks of the alveolar subclass of rhabdomyosarcoma are chromosomal translocations that generate chimeric PAX3-FOXO1 or PAX7-FOXO1 transcription factors. Overexpression of either PAX-FOXO1s results in related cell transformation in animal models. Yet, in patients…