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Séminaire IJM – Antoine Coulon – 28/01/2022

Invité par Nicolas Minc, Antoine Coulon, Institut Curie – CNRS, Nuclear dynamics unit (UMR3664) & Physical Chemistry unit (UMR168), donnera, le 28 janvier 2022 à 11h45 en salle François Jacob, un séminaire sur le thème : Spatiotemporal organization and expression of the genome     Antoine Coulon est responsable de l'équipe "DYNAMIQUE SPATIO-TEMPORELLE DES FONCTIONS GÉNOMIQUES" qui vise…

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2nd Virtual Platynereis Conference – 8-10 December 2021

Following the success of last year’s Platynereis virtual conference, we are organizing the 2nd Virtual Platynereis Conference to keep the community together, learn about each other’s projects, promote collaborations and continue the discussions about the future of our community resources. The meeting will be held online and will run on the 8th, 9th, and 10th of December 2021, 14:00-18:00 CET. …

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