L'équipe Dumont a publié un chapitre de livre dans Methods in Molecular Biology :
4D Microscopy and Tracking of Chromosomes and the Spindle in C. elegans Early Embryos
Résumé :
Maintaining genomic integrity throughout successive cell divisions is essential for the proper development and functioning of organisms. Chromosome alignment and segregation occur on a microtubule-based spindle originating…
L'équipe Minc a publié un chapitre de livre dans Methods in Molecular Biology :
Manipulation of Spindle Position Using Magnetic Tweezers in Sea Urchin Embryos
Résumé :
The regulation of mitotic spindle position and orientation, and consequent division plane specification, is critical for early embryo development, tissue architecture and stem cells. Accordingly, defects in spindle…

La plateforme ProtéoSeine et l'équipe Léon ont publié une nouvelle publication dans BMC Microbiology :
Candida albicans cells exhibit media specific proteomic profiles during induction of filamentation
Résumé :
Candida albicans is an opportunist pathogen responsible for a broad spectrum of infections, from superficial mycosis to the systemic disease candidiasis. C. albicans has various morphological forms, including unicellular budding yeasts,…

L’équipe Grange / Geigl a publié un nouvel article dans Molecular biology and evolution :
The Population History of Domestic Sheep Revealed by Paleogenomes
Les moutons ont été l'un des premiers animaux à être domestiqués. L'analyse des génomes extraits d'ossements de moutons archéologiques conservés dans des sites néolithiques a permis à Kaptan et à ses collègues de démontrer que les…

L'équipe Minc a contribué à la publication d'un nouvel article dans Biophysical Journal :
A physical model for M1-mediated influenza A virus assembly
Résumé :
Influenza A virus particles assemble at the plasma membrane of infected cells. During assembly all components of the virus come together in a coordinated manner to deform the membrane into a…

L'équipe Duharcourt a publié un nouvel article dans Nucleic Acids Research :
The PIWI-interacting protein Gtsf1 controls the selective degradation of small RNAs in Paramecium
Résumé :
Ciliates undergo developmentally programmed genome elimination, in which small RNAs direct the removal of transposable elements (TEs) during the development of the somatic nucleus. Twenty-five nucleotide scanRNAs (scnRNAs) are produced from…

L'équipe Romet-Lemonne/Jégou a contribué à la publication d'un nouvel article dans PNAS :
HIV-1 budding requires cortical actin disassembly by the oxidoreductase MICAL1
Résumé :
Many enveloped viruses bud from the plasma membrane that is tightly associated with a dense and thick actin cortex. This actin network represents a significant challenge for membrane deformation and scission, and…

L'équipe Minc a publié un article de méthode dans Methods in Molecular Biology :
Analysis of Cell Wall Mechanics in Fission Yeast
Résumé :
The growth and shape of fungal cells, such as fission yeast, are strongly constrained by the mechanics of their cell wall (CW). The cell wall encases the plasma membrane and defines instantaneous cell shapes…

L'équipe Dumont a contribué à un article publié dans microPublication Biology :
Cell type-specific regulation by different cytokinetic pathways in the early embryo
Résumé :
Cytokinesis, the physical division of one cell into two, is typically assumed to use the same molecular process across animal cells. However, regulation of cell division can vary significantly among different cell…

La plateforme ProtéoSeine a contribué à la publication d'un nouvel article dans ACS Chemical Biology :
Bioorthogonal Monomycolate of Trehalose Disclosed the O-Mycoloylation of Mycoloyltransferases and Other Cell Envelope Proteins in C. glutamicum
Résumé :
Protein mycoloylation is a recently identified unusual post-translational modification (PTM) exclusively observed in Mycobacteriales, an order of bacteria that includes several human pathogens.…