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[Cancelled] Institut Jacques Monod Lectures – Richard Benton – 30/04/2024

On Tuesday, April 30th 2024, Richard Benton (Center for Integrative Genomics, University of Lausane) will present an Institut Jacques Monod Lecture (former“Monod-Diderot Lectures”) on the theme: Fatal chemosensation, and how insects fight back   Abstract: Insecticide resistance is a widespread challenge for the management of vectors transmitting pathogens and agricultural pests, requiring a better understanding of the genetic mechanisms…

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Institut Jacques Monod Lectures – Matthias Peter – 05/04/2024

On Friday, April 5th 2024, the Labex WHO AM I? invite Professor Matthias Peter (Institute of Biochemistry, ETH Zurich) to present an Institut Jacques Monod Lecture (formely "Conférence Monod-Diderot") on the theme: Protect and recycle: how cells regulate dormancy   Abstract: Amyloids were long viewed as irreversible, pathological aggregates, often associated with neurodegenerative diseases. However, recent insights challenge this…

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Monod-Diderot Conference – Matthieu Piel – 19/01/2024

On January 19th 2024, the Monod-Diderot conference will welcome Matthieu Piel (Cell Biology and Cancer department, Institut Curie/CNRS, and Institut Pierre-Gilles de Gennes) who will present: Nuclear size and shape in proliferating and migrating cells   Abstract: I will present our recent work on the cell nucleus in cells that grow during the cell division cycle or deform…

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Conférence Monod-Diderot – Erin Schuman – 08/12/2023

On December 8th 2023, the Conférences Monod-Diderot will welcome Erin Schuman (co-director of the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research) who will speak on the theme: Local Neuronal Transcriptomes and Proteomes   Abstract: The complex morphology of neurons, with synapses located 100’s of microns from the cell body, necessitates the localization of important cell biological machines and processes…

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Conférence Monod-Diderot – Erin Schuman – 8/12/2023

On December 8, 2023, the Conférence Monod-Diderot will welcome Erin Schuman (Max Planck Institute for Brain Research) who will speak on the theme: Local Neuronal Transcriptomes and Proteomes   Abstract "The complex morphology of neurons, with synapses located 100’s of microns from the cell body, necessitates the localization of important cell biological machines and processes within dendrites and…

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Monod-Diderot Conference– Judith Frydman – 20/06/2023

On Tuesday, June 20, 2023, the Monod-Diderot conferences will welcome in the François Jacob's room, Judith Frydman – (Department of Genetics and Biology at Stanford University) who will speak on the topic : Molecular Origami:  The TRiCky business of folding proteins in the cell Abstract: The eukaryotic chaperonin TRiC/CCT is a large hetero-oligomeric complex that plays an essential role assisting…

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Monod-Diderot Conference – Bertrand Séraphin – 10/06/2022

The Monod-Diderot Conference will host on Friday 10 June Bertrand SÉRAPHIN - Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire (IGBMC) CNRS/Inserm/Université de Strasbourg - who will give a seminar entitled : Starting from the end: mechanism and regulation of mRNA decay Abstract: We are interested to unravel the mechanisms controlling eukaryotic gene expression at the…

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