The next Cytoskeleton Club will take place at the Institut Pasteur on 16 November 2022 in the Agnès Ullmann amphitheatre – 25, rue du Dr Roux 75015 Paris.
Grizelda Velez Aguilera (post-doc, Pintard 's lab, IJM)
"Role of the Polo-like kinase (PLK-1) in Nuclear Envelope Breakdown in the C. elegans zygote".
Fanny Roland-Gosselin (phD…
Invited byRoshan Kumar Vijendravarma (Courtier Lab), Jan Clemens (European Neuroscience Institute, University Medical Center, Göttingen, Germany) will give a seminar entitled :
Neural computations underlying social behavior in Drosophila
Neural Computation and Behavior
Our brain is constantly confronted with sensory information, yet it manages to filter out relevant bits to produce appropriate behavior. Our lab is interested in…
Invited by René-Marc Mège, Carien M. Niessen (Department Cell Biology of the Skin and CECAD Cologne, University Hospital Cologne, University of Cologne) will give a seminar entitled:
Biomechanical regulation of cell fate and position in epithelial barrier morphogenesis, renewal and disease
Our research: How epithelia coordinate cell and tissue structure with growth and metabolic activity to control…
The Cytoskeleton Club is back for a new season!
Join us on October 19th at 9:30am in François Jacob room with:
Magid Badaoui, PhD Student, Minc Lab (Institut Jacques Monod) : "A force-velocity relationship of branched actin based on simulations"
Mariya Genova, PhD Student, Janke Lab (Institut Curie) : "Tubulin polyglutamylation differentially regulates microtubule-interacting proteins
Contact : …
Invited by Jérôme Collignon, Takashi Hiiragi (Hubrecht Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands /ASHBi Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan) will give a seminar entitled:
Multicellular coordination in context
The Hiiragi group studies robustness in development and aims to understand the design principle of self-organising multi-cellular systems.
Self-organisation is a defining feature of living systems and entails complex interplay between molecular,…
Invited by Benoit Ladoux, Ada Cavalcanti (Max Planck Institute for Medical Research) will give a seminar entitled:
Mechanical regulation of receptor-mediated cell adhesion
Growth Factor Mechanobiology
Group leader: Priv. Doz. Dr. Dr. E. Ada Cavalcanti-Adam
Mechanical forces exerted by cells during adhesion and migration are adjusted through molecular interactions of receptors at the cell membrane. Adhesive molecules…
Invited by Virginie Courtier, Olivier Tenaillon (Inserm, Université Paris Cité) will give on October 14th a seminar entitled :
"Molecular determinants of bacterial adaptation in vitro, in vivo, in infectio. "
Research interests
With the rise of antibiotic resistance and the emergence of new forms of virulence, it has become clear that microbial evolution is…
Virginie Courtier appointed to the annual Biodiversity and Ecosystems Chair at the Collège de France
Virginie Courtier has been appointed to the Annual Chair of Biodiversity and Ecosystems at the Collège de France. This appointment is a recognition of the high quality of her work.
She will give her inaugural lecture "Penser le vivant autrement" on 9 February 2023 at 6 pm.
Director of research at the CNRS, Virginie Courtier and her…
Invited by Benoit Ladoux, Pierre Nassoy (UMR 5298 CNRS, Laboratoire de Photonique, Numérique et Nanosciences) will give on October 7th a seminar entitled:
Self-assembly and mechanosensing in bloody, nervous, fat or tumoral organoids
Our lab has developed a microfluidics-assisted technique, the Cellular Capsule Technology (CCT) that enables to…
Invited by Nicolas Minc, Morgan Delarue (Team MILE, LAAS-CNRS) will give on September 30th a seminar entitled:
Cell growth under mechanical pressure
Our research focuses on compressive mechanicalstress: What happens when cells are squished? What are the biological and physical determinants of the response to compression? Is there an evolutionarily conserved response? How does…