Invited by the Greenberg Lab, Daphne S. Cabianca (Institute of Functional Epigenetics, Helmholtz Munich) will present an IJM seminar on the theme:
3D genome under stress: How an animal´s nutritional status shapes chromatin architecture
Outside of the lab, all organisms are constantly exposed to a changing environment, such as temperature shifts, a variable availability of nutrients…
Invited by the Prioleau Lab, Anne-Laure Valton (GenPhySE - INRAE Toulouse) will present an IJM seminar on the theme:
Chromosome folding and gene expression
Chromosomes are the physical templates for many crucial molecular functions in the nucleus: gene expression, DNA repair and DNA replication. During interphase, chromosomes are folded by two main mechanisms which are phase…
Invited by the Courtier, Olga Nagy (University of Szeged, Albert Szent-gyorgyi Medical School, Department of Forensic Medicine, Hungary), will present an IJM seminar on the theme:
Challenges in forensic genetic investigation of archived biological traces
The discovery of microsatellite DNA loci suitable for personal identification were quickly introduce to routine forensic investigations in the late 1990’s.…
Symposium on cortical and spinal organoids - January 29th, 2024
The symposium on cerebral and spinal organoids is organised by the enSCORE platform of the Université Paris Cité (Labex "Who am I?", Institut Jacques Monod, Epigénétique et Destin Cellulaire) and the DIM C-BRAINS.
It focuses on innovative 3D models of nervous system development in organoids derived from…
The Institut Jacques Monod (IJM), a leading center for fundamental interdisciplinary research in biology, is seeking to appoint at least two new group leaders.
The Institute comprises 28 international research groups working in the fields of biophysics, cell and developmental biology, evolution and genome biology. The IJM is affiliated with the Centre National de la Recherche…
Invited by the Gazave, Anaïs Bardet (CNRS, IGBMC, Strasbourg), will present an IJM seminar on the theme:
Transcription factor sensitivity to DNA methylation
Multicellular organisms establish and maintain different transcriptional states in disparate cell types through complex and specific regulation of gene expression. This regulation is mediated by the cooperative binding of transcription factors to regulatory…
Invited by the Pintard, Arnaud Echard (Institut Pasteur) will present an IJM seminar on the theme:
Cell division: the final cut
We are interested in one of the most fundamental questions in biology: How a cell divides into two daughter cells. We particularly focus on cytokinesis, the last step of cell division leading to the physical…
Invited by the Palancade lab, Alexander Palazzo (Biochemistry Department, University of Toronto / Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Science Numérique, Université Paris-Saclay) will présent an IJM seminar on the theme:
How mRNA nuclear export allows you to live with a genome filled with junk DNA
In eukaryotes, the division of the cellular space into nucleoplasm and cytoplasm promotes…
Invited by the Palancade, Mounia Lagha (Institut de Génétique Moléculaire de Montpellier) will present the IJm seminar:
Lighting up the central dogma to dissect how sharp developmental patterns are established
"A fundamental question in biology is how cellular processes are so reproducible despite the inherent variations in the chemical reactions governing them. During development of a…
The dream of every cell is to become two cells (François Jacob, 1920-2013).
This citation can be considered as the key phrase describing all previous 15 Jacques Monod conferences in the Cell cycle series that took place in Roscoff. Each meeting had a slightly shifted focus on topics of how cells achieve this dream, and which…