Invited by Benoit Palancade, Jérôme Déjardin (Biologie des séquences répétées, Institut de Génétique Humaine, CNRS-Université de Montpellier),will give a seminar entitled :
The control of DNA repeats in embryonic stem cells
Chromatin can be viewed as a highly complex mixture of proteins and nucleic acids that orchestrate DNA-based processes in the eukaryotic genome. Most of the…
Invited by Nikos Konstantinides, Isabel Almudi Cabrero (Department of genetics, microbiology and Statitics and IRBio , University of Barcelona) will give a seminar entitled:
Mayflies take off: a new evo-devo model to investigate insect evolution and the origin of new forms
Isabel is a Beatriz Galindo researcher at the Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics Department at the…
The Monod-Diderot Lectures receive Claude Desplan (Silver Professor of Biology and Neuroscience, NYU Department of Biology, New York University) on 19 April 2022 at 11:45 am in the Buffon amphitheatre.
He will speak on the theme :
Spatial and temporal cues for the generation of neuronal diversity
Claude Desplan is a Silver Professor of Biology and Neuro-science…
Jean-Yves Tinevez (Image Analysis Hub / C2RI / Institut Pasteur, Paris) will give on April 15th a seminar entitled:
Bioimage analysis platforms to track cells in large samples.
The Image Analysis Hub (IAH) of the Institut Pasteur is a core facility dedicated to service in Bioimage Analysis. Our mission is to support the research projects of…
Fabrice Caudron (IGM - Montpellier) will give on April 5th a seminar entiltled:
“Plasma membrane tension regulates the condensation of Whi3 into super assemblies”.
Fabrice is currently leading the team “Asymmetric inheritance of cell fate and memory”. Over the past years, he has made interesting discoveries on a new type of epigenetic memory in S. cerevisiae.
Contact :…
The Monod-Diderot Conference will host on April 8th (11:45am - amphi Buffon) Edouard Bertrand (IGH, Montpellier) who will talk about :
Single molecule imaging reveals new insights into RNA localization and local translation
Contact : thierry.grange (at)
The Monod-Diderot conferences will host Anne Ferguson-Smith (FRS, FMedSci, University of Cambridge) who will talk about:
Epigenetic inheritance – models and mechanisms
Avril 1st 2022 - 11:45am - amphi Turing
Contact : maxim.greenberg (at)
The next IJM seminar will take place on 8 March 2022 at 11:45 in the François Jacob room.
Invited by the Vervoort team, Lucie Laplane, CNRS, University of Paris I (IHPST) & Gustave Roussy, will speak on the theme :
Understanding Stem Cells Requires Interdisciplinarity
Contact : eve.gazave (at)
Lucie Laplane is CNRS permanent researcher (CRCN) at…
Mechanisms of genome surveillance monitor and guarantee the integrity of genomic material and the accurate duplication of DNA before cell division. Any failure or misregulation of these mechanisms often leads to deleterious genetic disorders. Activation of these mechanisms…
The Monod-Diderot Lectures receive Claude Desplan (Silver Professor of Biology and Neuroscience, NYU Department of Biology, New York University) on 19 April 2022 at 11:45 am in the Buffon amphitheatre.
He will speak on the theme :
Spatial and temporal cues for the generation of neuronal diversity
Claude Desplan is a Silver Professor of Biology and Neuro-science…