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JAK-STAT-dependent contact between follicle cells and the oocyte controls Drosophila anterior-posterior polarity and germline development

A new article has been published in Nature Communications: JAK-STAT-dependent contact between follicle cells and the oocyte controls Drosophila anterior-posterior polarity and germline development This study is the result of a collaboration between scientists of the Institut de biologie intégrative de la cellule (université Paris-Saclay) and Institut Jacques Monod (Konstantinides Lab, Minc Lab, Guichet Lab).   Abstract: The number of embryonic…

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Pintard Lab – Microtubule-binding domains in Katanin p80 subunit are essential for severing activity in C. elegans

The Pintard lab recently published a new article in Journal of Cell Biology: Microtubule-binding domains in Katanin p80 subunit are essential for severing activity in C. elegans   Abstract: Microtubule-severing enzymes (MSEs), such as Katanin, Spastin, and Fidgetin play essential roles in cell division and neurogenesis. They damage the microtubule (MT) lattice, which can either destroy or amplify the…

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Courtier Lab – Higher evolutionary dynamics of gene copy number for Drosophila glue genes located near short repeat sequences

The Courtier lab recently published a new article in BMC Ecology and Evolution: Higher evolutionary dynamics of gene copy number for Drosophila glue genes located near short repeat sequences Abstract: Background During evolution, genes can experience duplications, losses, inversions and gene conversions. Why certain genes are more dynamic than others is poorly understood. Here we examine…

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Wassmann Lab – Qualitative rather than quantitative phosphoregulation shapes the end of meiosis I in budding yeast

The Wassmann lab published a new article in EMBO: Qualitative rather than quantitative phosphoregulation shapes the end of meiosis I in budding yeast   Abstract: Exit from mitosis is brought about by dramatic changes in the phosphoproteome landscape. A drop in Cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) activity, the master regulatory kinase, and activation of counteracting phosphatases such as Cdc14 in budding…

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IJM Seminar – Daphne S. Cabianca – 08/03/2024

Invited by the Greenberg Lab, Daphne S. Cabianca (Institute of Functional Epigenetics, Helmholtz Munich)  will present an IJM seminar on the theme: 3D genome under stress: How an animal´s nutritional status shapes chromatin architecture   Abstract: Outside of the lab, all organisms are constantly exposed to a changing environment, such as temperature shifts, a variable availability of nutrients…

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IJM Seminar – Anne-Laure Valton – 01/03/2024

Invited by the Prioleau Lab, Anne-Laure Valton (GenPhySE - INRAE Toulouse) will present an IJM seminar on the theme: Chromosome folding and gene expression   Abstract: Chromosomes are the physical templates for many crucial molecular functions in the nucleus: gene expression, DNA repair and DNA replication. During interphase, chromosomes are folded by two main mechanisms which are phase…

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IJM Seminar – Olga Nagy – 27/02/2024

Invited by the Courtier, Olga Nagy (University of Szeged, Albert Szent-gyorgyi Medical School, Department of Forensic Medicine, Hungary), will present an IJM seminar on the theme: Challenges in forensic genetic investigation of archived biological traces   Abstract: The discovery of microsatellite DNA loci suitable for personal identification were quickly introduce to routine forensic investigations in the late 1990’s.…

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Romet-Lemonne/Jégou Lab – Cortactin stabilizes actin branches by bridging activated Arp2/3 to its nucleated actin filament

The Romet-Lemonne/Jégou Lab contributed to the publication of a new article in Nature structural & molecular biology: Cortactin stabilizes actin branches by bridging activated Arp2/3 to its nucleated actin filament   Résumé: Regulation of the assembly and turnover of branched actin filament networks nucleated by the Arp2/3 complex is essential during many cellular processes, including cell migration and…

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Romet-Lemonne/Jégou Lab – Regeneration of actin filament branches from the same Arp2/3 complex

The Romet-Lemonne/Jégou Lab published a new article in Science Advances: Regeneration of actin filament branches from the same Arp2/3 complex Abstract: Branched actin filaments are found in many key cellular structures. Branches are nucleated by the Arp2/3 complex activated by nucleation-promoting factor (NPF) proteins and bound to the side of preexisting “mother” filaments. Over time, branches dissociate…

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