Nicolas Minc a reçu le prix Impulscience 2024 Nicolas Minc, Directeur de recherche CNRS, Chef de l'équipe "Organisation spatiale de la cellule" à l'Institut Jacques Monod, est lauréat du prix Impulscience 2024 décerné par la Fondation Bettencourt Schueller pour son projet « Hydrodynamique du Cytoplasme pour la Régulation de la Division Cellulaire et du Développement…
L'équipe Minc a publié un article de méthode dans Methods in Molecular Biology :
Analysis of Cell Wall Mechanics in Fission Yeast
Résumé :
The growth and shape of fungal cells, such as fission yeast, are strongly constrained by the mechanics of their cell wall (CW). The cell wall encases the plasma membrane and defines instantaneous cell shapes…
L'équipe Dumont a contribué à un article publié dans microPublication Biology :
Cell type-specific regulation by different cytokinetic pathways in the early embryo
Résumé :
Cytokinesis, the physical division of one cell into two, is typically assumed to use the same molecular process across animal cells. However, regulation of cell division can vary significantly among different cell…
La plateforme ProtéoSeine a contribué à la publication d'un nouvel article dans ACS Chemical Biology :
Bioorthogonal Monomycolate of Trehalose Disclosed the O-Mycoloylation of Mycoloyltransferases and Other Cell Envelope Proteins in C. glutamicum
Résumé :
Protein mycoloylation is a recently identified unusual post-translational modification (PTM) exclusively observed in Mycobacteriales, an order of bacteria that includes several human pathogens.…
L'équipe Courtier a publié un nouvel article dans Evolutionary Biology :
A scenario for an evolutionary selection of ageing
Résumé :
Signs of ageing become apparent only late in life, after organismal development is finalized. Ageing, most notably, decreases an individual’s fitness. As such, it is most commonly perceived as a non-adaptive force of evolution and…
Isabelle le Parco, ainsi que la plateforme qu'elle dirige, a contribué a la publication d'un article dans Communications biology :
Calcium wave dynamics in the embryonic mouse gut mesenchyme: impact on smooth muscle differentiation
Résumé :
Intestinal smooth muscle differentiation is a complex physico-biological process involving several different pathways. Here, we investigate the properties of Ca2+ waves…
L'équipe Veitia a publié un nouvel article dans Trends in Genetics :
Emerging links between phase separation and transcription factor haploinsufficiency
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Recent studies have addressed the relevance of phase separation, by which membrane-less compartments are formed within the nucleus, to understand the impact of genetic variants. They highlight unsuspected links between phase separation and haploinsufficiency…
L'équipe Greenberg a publié un nouvel article dans Nature structural & Molecular biology:
DNA methylation shapes the Polycomb landscape during the exit from naive pluripotency
Résumé :
In mammals, 5-methylcytosine (5mC) and Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2)-deposited histone 3 lysine 27 trimethylation (H3K27me3) are generally mutually exclusive at CpG-rich regions. As mouse embryonic stem cells exit…
L'équipe Grange / Geigl a publié un nouvel article dans Molecular biology and evolution :
The Population History of Domestic Sheep Revealed by Paleogenomes
Résumé :
Sheep was one of the first domesticated animals in Neolithic West Eurasia. The zooarchaeological record suggests that domestication first took place in Southwest Asia, although much remains unresolved about the precise…
C’est avec une immense tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de Véronique Proux-Gillardeaux, survenu le 26 septembre à l’âge de 52 ans, après 10 mois d'une terrible maladie.
Biologiste cellulaire accomplie, Véronique s’est passionnée tout au long de sa carrière pour des questions de dynamique membranaire, de trafic vésiculaire et de polarité cellulaire. Elle avait…