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Duharcourt Lab: GC content, but not nucleosome positioning, directly contributes to intron splicing efficiency in Paramecium

Un nouvel article publié par l'équipe Duharcourt dans Genome Research! GC content, but not nucleosome positioning, directly contributes to intron splicing efficiency in Paramecium   Abstract Eukaryotic genes are interrupted by introns that must be accurately spliced from mRNA precursors. With an average length of 25 nt, the more than 90,000 introns of Paramecium tetraurelia stand among the shortest…

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Azimzadeh Lab: Evolutionary conservation of centriole rotational asymmetry in the human centrosome

L'équipe Azimzadeh a publié le 23 mars dernier un nouvel article dans elife : Evolutionary conservation of centriole rotational asymmetry in the human centrosome   Les centrioles sont des structures de petite taille impliquées dans des processus essentiels tels que la division, la migration et la communication cellulaire. Grâce à une technique récente de microscopie super-résolutive, des…

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Pintard Lab: Cortical microtubule pulling forces contribute to the union of the parental genomes in the Caenorhabditis elegans zygote

L'équipe Pintard a publié le 8 mars dernier un nouvel article dans eLife : Cortical microtubule pulling forces contribute to the union of the parental genomes in the Caenorhabditis elegans zygote   Abstract Previously, we reported that the Polo-like kinase PLK-1 phosphorylates the single Caenorhabditis elegans lamin (LMN-1) to trigger lamina depolymerization during mitosis. We showed that this event is required…

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Minc Lab: Contribution of cytoplasm viscoelastic properties to mitotic spindle positioning

L'équipe Minc a publié le 15 février dernier un nouvel article dans PNAS : Contribution of cytoplasm viscoelastic properties to mitotic spindle positioning   Abstract Cells are filled with macromolecules and polymer networks that set scale-dependent viscous and elastic properties to the cytoplasm. Although the role of these parameters in molecular diffusion, reaction kinetics, and cellular biochemistry is…

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