L'équipe Gazave a publié un nouvel article dans Development :
Variations in cell plasticity and proliferation underlie distinct modes of regeneration along the antero-posterior axis in the annelid Platynereis
Résumé :
The capacity to regenerate lost tissues varies significantly among animals. Some phyla, such as the annelids, display substantial regenerating abilities, although little is known about…
L'équipe Konstantinides a publié un nouvel article dans CSH Perspectives :
Neuronal Circuit Evolution: From Development to Structure and Adaptive Significance
Résumé :
Neuronal circuits represent the functional units of the brain. Understanding how the circuits are generated to perform computations will help us understand how the brain functions. Nevertheless, neuronal circuits are not engineered, but have…

L'équipe Grange/Geigl a publié un nouvel article dans Science Advances :
L’arrivée de l’ascendance des steppes dans le nord de la France observée en temps réel explique la constitution du génome européen
La dernière vague migratoire majeure ayant façonné le génome européen était celle des populations des steppes au nord de la Mer Noire il y…

Des chercheurs de l'Institut Jacques Monod ont publié une étude collaborative ( preprint) sur les conditions d'utilisation de divers GFP et RFP pour la détection directe de la fluorescence dans les gels :
Direct observation of fluorescent proteins in gels: a rapid, cost-efficient and quantitative alternative to immunoblotting
Résumé :
The discovery of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)…

La plateforme ImagoSeine a contribué à la publication d'un nouvel article dans Science Advances :
Altered X-chromosome inactivation predisposes to autoimmunity
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In mammals, males and females show marked differences in immune responses. Males are globally more sensitive to infectious diseases, while females are more susceptible to systemic autoimmunity. X-chromosome inactivation (XCI), the epigenetic mechanism ensuring the…

La plateforme ImagoSeine a contribué à la publication d'un nouvel article dans Circulation :
CAVIN1-Mediated hERG Dynamics: A Novel Mechanism Underlying the Interindividual Variability in Drug-Induced Long QT
Résumé :
Drug-induced QT prolongation (diLQT) is a feared side effect that could expose susceptible individuals to fatal arrhythmias. The occurrence of diLQT is primarily attributed to unintended drug…

L'équipe Dumont a contribué à la publication d'un nouvel article dans Molecular Biology of Cell :
Germ fate determinants protect germ precursor cell division by reducing septin and anillin levels at the cell division plane
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Animal cell cytokinesis, or the physical division of one cell into two, is thought to be driven by constriction of…

L'équipe Ribes a contribué à la publication d'une revue dans Biomedicines :
Non-Mammalian Models for Understanding Neurological Defects in RASopathies
Résumé :
RASopathies, a group of neurodevelopmental congenital disorders stemming from mutations in the RAS/MAPK pathway, present a unique opportunity to delve into the intricacies of complex neurological disorders. Afflicting approximately one in a thousand newborns, RASopathies manifest…

L'équipe Jackson/Verbavatz a contribué à la publication d'un article thématique :
Staying on track – Keeping things running in a high-end scientific imaging core facility
Résumé :
Modern life science research is a collaborative effort. Few research groups can single-handedly support the necessary equipment, expertise and personnel needed for the ever-expanding portfolio of technologies that are required…

L'équipe Raote a publié un nouvel article dans Nature communications :
TANGO1 inhibitors reduce collagen secretion and limit tissue scarring
Résumé :
Uncontrolled secretion of ECM proteins, such as collagen, can lead to excessive scarring and fibrosis and compromise tissue function. Despite the widespread occurrence of fibrotic diseases and scarring, effective therapies are lacking. A promising approach…