L'équipe Conduit et l'équipe Guichet ont récemment publié dans Journal of Cell Biology :
Multifaceted modes of γ-tubulin complex recruitment and microtubule nucleation at mitotic centrosomes
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Microtubule nucleation is mediated by γ-tubulin ring complexes (γ-TuRCs). In most eukaryotes, a GCP4/5/4/6 “core” complex promotes γ-tubulin small complex (γ-TuSC) association to generate cytosolic γ-TuRCs. Unlike γ-TuSCs, however,…
L'équipe Azimzadeh a récemment publié dans Current Biology :
Evolution: The ancient history of cilia assembly regulation
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A new study identifies a conserved regulatory mechanism for cilia assembly in the closest unicellular relatives of animals, suggesting that this mechanism was already present in a common unicellular ancestor and was repurposed during the transition to multicellularity.
L'équipe Greenberg a contribué à la publication d'un nouvel article dans Nucleic Acids Research :
A genetic screen identifies BEND3 as a regulator of bivalent gene expression and global DNA methylation
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Epigenetic mechanisms are essential to establish and safeguard cellular identities in mammals. They dynamically regulate the expression of genes, transposable elements and higher-order chromatin structures.…
L'équipe Prioleau a contribué à la publication d'un nouvel article dans Nature communications :
Histone H3 serine-57 is a CHK1 substrate whose phosphorylation affects DNA repair
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Histone post-translational modifications promote a chromatin environment that controls transcription, DNA replication and repair, but surprisingly few phosphorylations have been documented. We report the discovery of histone H3 serine-57…
L'équipe Palancade a contribué à la publication d'un nouvel article dans Plos Genetics :
Functional mapping of N-terminal residues in the yeast proteome uncovers novel determinants for mitochondrial protein import
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N-terminal ends of polypeptides are critical for the selective co-translational recruitment of N-terminal modification enzymes. However, it is unknown whether specific N-terminal signatures differentially regulate protein fate…
L'équipe Prioleau a récemment publié un nouvel article dans Nature Communications :
Dimeric G-quadruplex motifs-induced NFRs determine strong replication origins in vertebrates
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Replication of vertebrate genomes is tightly regulated to ensure accurate duplication, but our understanding of the interplay between genetic and epigenetic factors in this regulation remains incomplete. Here, we investigated the involvement of three…
L'équipe Veitia a récemment publié un nouvel article dans Bio Essays :
Dominant negative variants and cotranslational assembly of macromolecular complexes
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Pathogenic variants occurring in protein-coding regions underlie human genetic disease through various mechanisms. They can lead to a loss of function (LOF) such as in recessive conditions or in dominant conditions due to haploinsufficiency.…
L'équipe Palancade a récemment publié un nouvel article dans FEBS Letters :
Puzzling out nuclear pore complex assembly
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Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are sophisticated multiprotein assemblies embedded within the nuclear envelope and controlling the exchanges of molecules between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. In this review, we summarize the mechanisms by which these elaborate complexes…
L'équipe Dumont a publié un article dans Current Biology :
An unconventional TOG domain is required for CLASP localization
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Cytoplasmic linker-associated proteins (CLASPs) form a conserved family of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) that maintain microtubules in a growing state by promoting rescue while suppressing catastrophe.1 CLASP function involves an ordered array of tumor overexpressed gene…
L'équipe Greenberg a récemment contribué à la publication d'un nouvel article dans Nature Structural & Molecular Biology :
A genome-wide screen reveals new regulators of the 2-cell-like cell state
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In mammals, only the zygote and blastomeres of the early embryo are totipotent. This totipotency is mirrored in vitro by mouse ‘2-cell-like cells’ (2CLCs), which appear…