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Séminaire IJM – Alexander Palazzo
2 février 2024 - 11 h 45 min - 13 h 00 min

Invité par l’équipe Palancade, Alexander Palazzo (Biochemistry Department, University of Toronto / Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Science Numérique, Université Paris-Saclay) présentera un séminaire IJM sur le thème :
How mRNA nuclear export allows you to live with a genome filled with junk DNA
Résumé :
In eukaryotes, the division of the cellular space into nucleoplasm and cytoplasm promotes quality control mechanisms that promote both the nuclear export of mRNAs and the nuclear retention and degradation of misprocessed mRNAs and junk RNAs. I will talk about our latest efforts to identify features that promote either export, retention and/or decay of different classes of RNAs. I will also discuss how GC-content, an important export-promoting feature in human protein-coding mRNAs, is being shaped by non-adaptive evolutionary processes.