Invited by Vanessa Ribes, Clare Buckley (Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge, UK) will give a seminar entitled :
Building and Breaking the Neural Tube
Her lab studies the fundamental cell biology of neural tube development using optogenetic and advanced live imaging approaches in vivo, within in the zebrafish hindbrain. They aim to uncover the mechanisms that coordinate apico-basal polarisation and morphogenesis during secondary-like neurulation. In addition, they use in vitro multicellular mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC) culture to compare the mechanisms of de novo polarisation in an alternate, non-neural epithelial context. Through this work, they hope to unravel parallel mechanisms of epithelial tube development and disease, with relevance to secondary neural tube defects, polarity-related epithelial diseases such as carcinoma and bioengineering.
Contact : vanessa.ribes (at)