The Institut Jacques Monod today: A centre for fundamental research in biology
The Institut Jacques Monod is a joint research unit of the CNRS and Université Paris Cité, comprising around thirty research groups.
From its inception to the present day, the institute has been one of the leading international centers of excellence for fundamental research in biology, research guided solely by its importance and interest.
Its scientists study the basic principles of living systems at different scales (molecules, cells, tissues) in multiple model organisms, using interdisciplinary approaches at the interface between biology, physics, mathematics, chemistry and medicine.
Thanks to a philosophy of scientific excellence, the Institut Jacques Monod has acquired a high international profile in themes linked to the dynamics of biological processes that enable cells to divide, adapt, evolve and develop into healthy multicellular organisms.

An Institute worthy of its name

In 1965, Jacques Monod, François Jacob and André Lwoff were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology for ‘their discoveries concerning the genetic control of enzyme and virus synthesis’. Jacques Monod played a key role in the creation, a year later, of the institute that bears his name.
The initial scientific objective of the institute was to develop molecular biology, which was at that time a new discipline.
The research carried out today at the Institut Jacques Monod strives to perpetuate the same spirit of curiosity and discovery that inspired these pioneers.
An international research center
The 250 members of the institute, researchers, research professors, doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows, engineers, technicians, administrative staff and interns who work or train at the Institut Jacques Monod come from more than 20 different countries.
They are involved in numerous national and international collaborative networks. They communicate their results through publications in international journals (around a hundred scientific articles per year). Many of them have received prestigious French or international funding and scientific awards.

Cutting-edge equipment and facilities
To support its research, the Institut Jacques Monod has developed advanced technological platforms designed to provide high-level services. Run by highly specialized researchers and engineers, these platforms have a fourfold mission: to carry out research, to provide technical services to the research groups and to transfer that expertise and knowledge to researchers.
The proteomics platform uses the most modern mass spectrometry technology for the high-throughput qualitative and quantitative study of protein components in living systems. Its mission is to provide the biology research community with cutting-edge skills and services for integrating proteomic approaches into their scientific projects.
The Imagoseine imaging platform offers state of the art technology in light and electron microscopy and flow cytometry for quantitative analysis of the dynamics of living organisms, from molecules to whole organisms, including the study of sub-cellular, cellular and multi-cellular processes.
In addition to these two platforms, the institute has several smaller facilities built around the expertise of a few teams, such as genome analysis, organoid culture and paleogenomics.
Finally, administrative and technical services ensure the day-to-day running of the institute, helping researchers to manage human resources, finances and information technology.
An institute at the heart of society

Although the primary focus of research at the Institut Jacques Monod is fundamental research, many of our scientific discoverieshave direct implications for understanding the mechanisms underlying diseases such as cancer, infertility, aging-related problems or rare genetic diseases.
This knowledge is key to the development of new diagnostics and therapies.
Some of our discoveries have been turned into patents or partnerships with biotech companies. These companies also benefit from the Institute’s cutting-edge technology platforms.
A center for research training and knowledge dissemination
The Institut Jacques Monod is also involved in research training. Some fifty students of many nationalities are currently preparing their PhD theses. In addition, nearly a hundred students are welcomed into our groups each year for introductory training in research.
Many Institut Jacques Monod scientists are also involved in university teaching, as well as in international courses, conferences and workshops. In addition, Institut Jacques Monod researchers actively participate in science popularization events such as the Fête de la science, ma thèse en 180 secondes, or the “Apprentis Chercheurs” and “Declics” programs for secondary school students.