Spinning Disk W1 NIKON
- High-speed multidimensional imaging with optical sectioning
- Spinning disk modality produces high SNR images with minimal photobleaching
- Inverted microscope
- High sensitivity sCMOS cameras
- Laser lines for all classes of fluorescent proteins
- Environmental control: temperature, CO2, humidity
- IR reflection based autofocus
- BF and Nomarski contrast (DIC)
Detailed Specifications
- ECLIPSE Ti2-E Fully motorized Inverted stand (Nikon)
- TI2-S-SE-E Motorized stage with linear encoding
- 500 micron piezo for rapid z-control
- Perfect Focus System (PFS)
- D-LEDI (Nikon), 4 LED : 385 nm, 475 nm, 550 nm et 621 nm for widefield illumination
- Three fluorescence cubes filters for widefield:
DAPI Ex 390/18 nm, dichroic 416 nm, Em 460/60 nm
GFP Ex 475/35 nm, dichroic 499 nm, Em 530/43 nm
TXRed Ex 559/34 nm, dichroic 585 nm, Em 639/69 nm
- Yokogawa CSU-W1 4000 rpm
- dichroics – (405/488/561/640) (488/561) (488)
405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, 638 nm
Emission filters:
425-475; 500-530; 500-550; 570-620; 655LP; Quad
- PLAN FLUOR 4x ON:0.13 DT: 17.1mm (MRH00045)
- CFI Plan APO Lambda D 10X ON:0.45 DT:4mm (MRD70170)
- CFI Plan APO Lambda D 20X ON:0.8 DT: 0.8 (MRD70270)
- PLAN APO LBDA S 40xC SIL ON:1.25 DT:0.3 (MRD73400)
- APO LBDA S 40xWI ON:1.15 DT:0.61-0.59 mm (MRD77410)
- CFI Plan APO Lambda D 60X Oil ON:1.42 DT:0.15 (MRD71670)
Field of view max in software 2048 x 2048 pixels
Environmental control:
Full chamber with heating control and Stage top incubation with CO2 and humidity control (OKOLab)
sCMOS ORCA Fusion BT (Hamamatsu)
HP Z4 High-End RTX A
Ecran incurve HP Z38c
Xeon W-2245 3.90GHz 3.91GHz 128Gb RAM
Acquisition Software: