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Reservation website

ImagoSeine is the service and R&D (Research & Development) platform in imaging of the Institut Jacques Monod.

It offers and develops high-level services for the visualisation and analysis of the structure, dynamics, interactions and functions of biological samples. To do this, the Institut Jacques Monod’s ImagoSeine platform brings together flow cytometry, electron microscopy and photonic microscopy resources in a single location.

  • Flow cytometry allows qualitative and quantitative multiparametric and multicolour analysis, as well as high-throughput cell sorting, based on the size, granularity and fluorescence intensity of suspended elements.
  • Electron microscopy allows the ultrastructural analysis of the cell and its components. It includes transmission microscopy and sample preparation at room temperature or at low temperature.
  • Photonic microscopy allows the visualisation and analysis of the structure and dynamic processes at the cellular (prokaryotic and eukaryotic) and tissue levels. It offers expertise and innovative equipment, allowing observations from the single molecule to the scale of an organism.

The Institut Jacques Monod’s ImagoSeine platform is open to the entire national and international scientific community, both public and private.

Our facilities

cytométrie web
Flow cytometry
Electron microscopy
Photonic microscopy
Image analysis
