We are a team of engineers, coming from different disciplines (biology, physics, computer science), working on the interface of microscopy with biology. We propose :
- the orientation of users towards the most suitable equipment for their project
- the assistance in the design of tools: molecular biology, protein labeling, choice of labels and fluorophores, analysis protocols…
- the assistance in setting up the experiment: definition of controls, operating procedures, precautions to be taken with respect to potential artifacts
- the possible supervision of the users for the realization of the experiments
- the provision of functional and calibrated equipments
- the training of users for an autonomous use of the equipments
- the taking in charge of the acquisitions for the non autonomous users
- the assistance to the treatment and analysis of the obtained data
- assistance in the interpretation and presentation of the results.
ImagoSeine is a member of the national infrastructure of imaging platforms France-BioImaging and the Euro-BioImaging network.
ImagoSeine is supported by the following organisations:

The ImagoSeine imaging platform offers 3 types of services in photonic microscopy, cytometry and electron microscopy:
1 – Independent use of equipments and reagents
The autonomous user is previously trained by the platform staff on certain equipment or for the performance of certain operations (see Training). He/she benefits from extended use time slots (see Access times) and adapted rates (autonomous rate). During the sessions reserved for autonomous use (see Reservation), the platform’s engineers can be called upon for specific questions, or in the event of technical problems (malfunctions or defects in the equipment), during the platform’s normal opening hours, depending on their availability. If necessary, the autonomous user can book a session with assistance (advice, in-depth training). The autonomous user is responsible for the quality and management of the results he/she has obtained. A “session follow-up book”, located next to each device, must be filled in at each session. Documents (user’s manual, tutorials, …) are made available to the users and can be consulted on site. During the service, the autonomous user is responsible for the equipment provided. He/she must follow the rules for starting up, using, closing and storing the equipment and reagents used. The team leader agrees to pay the full cost of repairs in the event of damage due to improper use of equipment. Any independent user who has not used equipment for more than one year or since the update of equipment (hardware, software) will have to undergo additional training. The status of autonomous user is subject to the appreciation of the platform staff and can be reviewed without notice. An autonomous user cannot train another user under any circumstances.
2 – The assisted session
The assisted session is conducted in the presence of the platform’s staff. It is proposed within the framework of the implementation of known protocols in standard experimental conditions, decided with the user, and does not have an inventive character. The engineers of the platform involved guarantee the quality of the results, provided that the use is made according to their recommendations, under the conditions fixed in agreement with the user. The session with assistance is subject to prior reservation (see Reservation), depending on the availability of the platform’s equipment and engineers and only during the normal opening hours (see Access hours). It is subject to “assisted” pricing.
3 – The collaborative project
This is the case when the user’s project requires the support of one or more platform engineers for occasional or regular assistance or for the development of a technique or technology for the user’s applications, or of a data acquisition or processing protocol. The platform’s engineers involved in the project guarantee the quality of the results obtained and their restitution (samples, data). The stages of a project can be carried out in the presence or absence of the user, depending on what has been decided beforehand between the user and the engineers involved. In the second case they are not subject to a particular reservation. Project invoicing may be subject to special pricing, based on an estimate, depending on the equipment used for the project. Billing will be based on actual hours used. The rate applied will be the “assisted users” rate.
The user and user’s manager undertake to report any publication using results obtainedbplatform and to comply with the following requirements:
- The platform must be systematically acknowledged using the following formula: “We acknowledge the ImagoSeine core facility of the Institut Jacques Monod, member of the France BioImaging infrastructure (ANR-24-INBS-0005 FBI BIOGEN) and GIS-IBiSA”.
- In addition : “and the support of La ligue contre le Cancer (R03/75-79)” for the results obtained with the Accuri, Cyan, Facs Aria Fusion analyzer and “and the support of the Region Île-de-France (Sesame)” for results obtained with ImageStream or SBF-SEM Teneo VS.
How to proceed
1) Contact us by email to make an appointment with our team.
Flow cytometry contact
Electron microscopy contact
Photonic microscopy contact
2) During this meeting it is necessary that the person in charge of the project is present and that you provide us with the important information (purpose of the experiment, type of samples, markers, support…).
It will be decided whether your project requires collaboration, service or training on one of the devices.
3) Register on the platform’s booking site.
You must have a valid professional email address. Once your information has been validated by the platform, your identifier (first name.surname) will be activated to connect you.
4) Create your password to connect to the booking site on this page. Once connected, download the charter, print and sign the last page.
General coordination of ImagoSeine
Platform members ImagoSeine :
René-Marc | MEGE | Platform coordinator | +33 (0)1 57 27 80 67 | contact |
Jean-Marc | VERBAVATZ | Platform coordinator | +33 (0)1 57 27 80 04 | contact |
Nicolas | VALENTIN | Engineer, Head of Flow Cytometry |
Xavier | BAUDIN | Engineer, Head of Photonic Microscopy |
Rémi | LE BORGNE | Engineer, Head of Electron Microscopy |
Catherine | DURIEU | Electron microscopy engineer |
Nicolas | MOISAN | Photonic microscopy research engineer |
Thomas | RIOS | Photonic microscopy engineer |
Alice | MARTEIL | Electron microscopy engineer |
Use of equipment and services
Only after the signed charter has been received can the services take place. Make requests for equipment training and collaborative projects once you are logged on to the booking site with the “Request” tab.
Charter to download from the reservation site
The use of the platform’s equipment is subject to a fee (see our rates). The rates are calculated to cover the maintenance and updating of the platform’s equipment.
A detailed statement of the services provided will be sent to you each month. In return, you must send a purchase order to the Institute’s accounting department.
ImagoSeine flow cytometry core facility user fees

ImagoSeine light microscopy user fees

For time laps acquisitions, the price is divided by 2 between 8pm and 9am and during the weekend.
ImagoSeine electronic microscopy user fees

November 2024: New cytometer at ImagoSeine: the Attune CytPix (ThermoFisher).
This flow cytometer, equipped with acoustic focusing technology, enables the analysis of rare events. Its high-speed camera captures brightfield images of cells, linking morphological parameters with data obtained from conventional flow cytometry. This equipment was acquired with the support of GIS IBiSA
July 2024: Opening of a full-field Leica DMI8 in room RH19B.
The full-frame features an incubator and AFC autofocus for observation of live specimens. Numerous lenses are available.
October 2022: New LSM980 Airyscan2 scanning confocal and two-photon module available as part RH26B.
Latest generation Zeiss confocal, equipped for live experiments, allowing simultaneous spectral separation and FRAP experiments. The Airyscan 4Y module allows a 50% increase in resolution compared to a conventional confocal and an increase in acquisition speed. The two-photon microscopy module allows for more in-depth observation of samples.
September 2022 : New ELYRA7 Super-Resolution microscopy system in RH22B room.
Microscope allowing PALM and dSTORM experiments for localization accuracy down to 20nm. Lattice SIM experiments allowing a 3D resolution increase of two times the theoretical limit and compatible with the living. TIRF experiments to observe events at the interface between the cell membrane and its substrate.
June 2022: New FLIM and FCS module on the confocal LSM980 in room RH20B1.
The FLIM technique allows studying the fluorescence lifetime in the sample, which gives information on its biological state as well as the interaction between proteins by the FLIM-FRET technique. FCS techniques allow the study of the mobility of fluorescent molecules.
September 2021: Upgrade of the CSU X1 FRAP spinning disk and UV Photoablation in RH20B9.
The spinning disk X1 FRAP has a new laser bench (405nm, 445nm, 488nm, 561nm, 642nm) as well as the possibility to do FRAP with the 5 lasers and photoablation by pulsed UV.
The user and user’s manager undertake to report any publication using results obtainedbplatform and to comply with the following requirements:
- The platform must be systematically acknowledged using the following formula: “We acknowledge the ImagoSeine core facility of the Institut Jacques Monod, member of the France BioImaging infrastructure (ANR-10-INBS-04) and GIS-IBiSA”.
- In addition : “and the support of La ligue contre le Cancer (R03/75-79)” for the results obtained with the Accuri, Cyan, Facs Aria Fusion analyzer and “and the support of the Region Île-de-France (Sesame)” for results obtained with ImageStream or SBF-SEM Teneo VS.
Publications co-written by ImgoSeine members (2017-2024)
El Mossadeq, L., Bellutti, L., Le Borgne, R., Canman, J. C., Pintard, L., Verbavatz, J.-M., Askjaer, P., & Dumont, J. (2024). An interkinetic envelope surrounds chromosomes between meiosis I and II in C. elegans oocytes.
Journal of Cell Biology,
224(3), e202403125.
Szabová, J., Mravec, F., Mokhtari, M., Le Borgne, R., Kalina, M., & Berret, J.-F. (2023). N,N,N-Trimethyl chitosan as a permeation enhancer for inhalation drug delivery: Interaction with a model pulmonary surfactant.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,
239, 124235.
Dhouib, A., Mezghrani, B., Finocchiaro, G., Le Borgne, R., Berthet, M., Daydé-Cazals, B., Graillot, A., Ju, X., & Berret, J.-F. (2023). Synthesis of Stable Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles Coated with Phosphonic Acid-Based Functional Polymers.
Langmuir: The ACS Journal of Surfaces and Colloids.
Ferreras, S., Singh, N. P., Le Borgne, R., Bun, P., Binz, T., Parton, R. G., Verbavatz, J.-M., Vannier, C., & Galli, T. (2023). A synthetic organelle approach to probe SNARE-mediated membrane fusion in a bacterial host.
The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 102974.
Siegfried, H., Borgne, R. L., Durieu, C., Laplace, T. D. A., Verraes, A., Daunas, L., Verbavatz, J.-M., & Heuzé, M. L. (2023).
The ER tether VAPA is required for proper cell motility and anchors ER-PM contact sites to focal adhesions. bioRxiv.
Sonam, S., Balasubramaniam, L., Lin, S.-Z., Ivan, Y. M. Y., Jaumà, I. P., Jebane, C., Karnat, M., Toyama, Y., Marcq, P., Prost, J., Mège, R.-M., Rupprecht, J.-F., & Ladoux, B. (2023). Mechanical stress driven by rigidity sensing governs epithelial stability.
Nature Physics,
19, 132–141.
Chevalier, L., Pinar, M., Le Borgne, R., Durieu, C., Peñalva, M. A., Boudaoud, A., & Minc, N. (2023). Cell wall dynamics stabilize tip growth in a filamentous fungus.
PLoS Biology,
21(1), e3001981.
Gonçalves Antunes, M., Sanial, M., Contremoulins, V., Carvalho, S., Plessis, A., & Becam, I. (2022). High hedgehog signaling is transduced by a multikinase-dependent switch controlling the apico-basal distribution of the GPCR smoothened.
11, e79843.
Zaaboub, R., Vimeux, L., Contremoulins, V., Cymbalista, F., Lévy, V., Donnadieu, E., Varin-Blank, N., Martin, A., & Dondi, E. (2022). Nurselike cells sequester B cells in disorganized lymph nodes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia via alternative production of CCL21.
Blood Advances,
6(16), 4691–4704.
Lachat, J., Pascault, A., Thibaut, D., Le Borgne, R., Verbavatz, J.-M., & Weiner, A. (2022). Trans-cellular tunnels induced by the fungal pathogen Candida albicans facilitate invasion through successive epithelial cells without host damage.
Nature Communications,
13(1), 3781.
Fernandes, P., Loubens, M., Le Borgne, R., Marinach, C., Ardin, B., Briquet, S., Vincensini, L., Hamada, S., Hoareau-Coudert, B., Verbavatz, J.-M., Weiner, A., & Silvie, O. (2022). The AMA1-RON complex drives Plasmodium sporozoite invasion in the mosquito and mammalian hosts.
PLoS Pathogens,
18(6), e1010643.
Gaudin, N., Martin Gil, P., Boumendjel, M., Ershov, D., Pioche-Durieu, C., Bouix, M., Delobelle, Q., Maniscalco, L., Phan, T. B. N., Heyer, V., Reina-San-Martin, B., & Azimzadeh, J. (2022). Evolutionary conservation of centriole rotational asymmetry in the human centrosome.
11, e72382.
Sonam, S., Balasubramaniam, L., Lin, S.-Z., Ivan, Y. M. Y., Jaumà, I. P., Jebane, C., Karnat, M., Toyama, Y., Marcq, P., Prost, J., Mège, R.-M., Rupprecht, J.-F., & Ladoux, B. (2022).
Mechanical stress driven by rigidity sensing governs epithelial stability. bioRxiv.
Deshayes, F., Fradet, M., Kaminski, S., Viguier, M., Frippiat, J.-P., & Ghislin, S. (2022). Link between the EZH2 noncanonical pathway and microtubule organization center polarization during early T lymphopoiesis.
Scientific Reports,
12(1), 3655.
Xi, W., Saleh, J., Yamada, A., Tomba, C., Mercier, B., Janel, S., Dang, T., Soleilhac, M., Djemat, A., Wu, H., Romagnolo, B., Lafont, F., Mège, R.-M., Chen, Y., & Delacour, D. (2022). Modulation of designer biomimetic matrices for optimized differentiated intestinal epithelial cultures.
282, 121380.
Xie, J., Najafi, J., Le Borgne, R., Verbavatz, J.-M., Durieu, C., Sallé, J., & Minc, N. (2022). Contribution of cytoplasm viscoelastic properties to mitotic spindle positioning.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
119(8), e2115593119.
Dussouchaud, A., Jacob, J., Secq, C., Verbavatz, J.-M., Moras, M., Larghero, J., Fader, C. M., Ostuni, M. A., & Lefevre, S. D. (2022). Transmission Electron Microscopy to Follow Ultrastructural Modifications of Erythroblasts Upon ex vivo Human Erythropoiesis.
Frontiers in Physiology,
12, 791691.
Nedara, K., Reinhardt, C., Lebraud, E., Arena, G., Gracia, C., Buard, V., Pioche-Durieu, C., Castelli, F., Colsch, B., Bénit, P., Rustin, P., Albaud, B., Gestraud, P., Baulande, S., Servant, N., Deutsch, E., Verbavatz, J.-M., Brenner, C., Milliat, F., & Modjtahedi, N. (2022). Relevance of the TRIAP1/p53 axis in colon cancer cell proliferation and adaptation to glutamine deprivation.
Frontiers in Oncology,
12, 958155.
Sonam, S., Vigouroux, C., Jégou, A., Romet-Lemonne, G., Le Clainche, C., Ladoux, B., & Mège, R. M. (2021). Direct measurement of near-nano-Newton forces developed by self-organizing actomyosin fibers bound α-catenin.
Biology of the Cell,
113(11), 441–449.
Balasubramaniam, L., Doostmohammadi, A., Saw, T. B., Narayana, G. H. N. S., Mueller, R., Dang, T., Thomas, M., Gupta, S., Sonam, S., Yap, A. S., Toyama, Y., Mège, R.-M., Yeomans, J. M., & Ladoux, B. (2021). Investigating the nature of active forces in tissues reveals how contractile cells can form extensile monolayers.
Nature Materials,
20(8), 1156–1166.
d’Alessandro, J., Barbier-Chebbah, A., Cellerin, V., Benichou, O., Mège, R. M., Voituriez, R., & Ladoux, B. (2021). Cell migration guided by long-lived spatial memory.
Nature Communications,
12(1), 4118.
Sellis, D., Guérin, F., Arnaiz, O., Pett, W., Lerat, E., Boggetto, N., Krenek, S., Berendonk, T., Couloux, A., Aury, J.-M., Labadie, K., Malinsky, S., Bhullar, S., Meyer, E., Sperling, L., Duret, L., & Duharcourt, S. (2021). Massive colonization of protein-coding exons by selfish genetic elements in Paramecium germline genomes.
PLoS Biology,
19(7), e3001309.
Bernard, F., Jouette, J., Durieu, C., Le Borgne, R., Guichet, A., & Claret, S. (2021). GFP-Tagged Protein Detection by Electron Microscopy Using a GBP-APEX Tool in Drosophila.
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology,
9, 719582.
Gonzalez Curto, G., Der Vartanian, A., Frarma, Y. E.-M., Manceau, L., Baldi, L., Prisco, S., Elarouci, N., Causeret, F., Korenkov, D., Rigolet, M., Aurade, F., De Reynies, A., Contremoulins, V., Relaix, F., Faklaris, O., Briscoe, J., Gilardi-Hebenstreit, P., & Ribes, V. (2020). The PAX-FOXO1s trigger fast trans-differentiation of chick embryonic neural cells into alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma with tissue invasive properties limited by S phase entry inhibition.
PLoS Genetics,
16(11), e1009164.
Velez-Aguilera, G., Nkombo Nkoula, S., Ossareh-Nazari, B., Link, J., Paouneskou, D., Van Hove, L., Joly, N., Tavernier, N., Verbavatz, J.-M., Jantsch, V., & Pintard, L. (2020). PLK-1 promotes the merger of the parental genome into a single nucleus by triggering lamina disassembly.
9, e59510.
Déjardin, T., Carollo, P. S., Sipieter, F., Davidson, P. M., Seiler, C., Cuvelier, D., Cadot, B., Sykes, C., Gomes, E. R., & Borghi, N. (2020). Nesprins are mechanotransducers that discriminate epithelial-mesenchymal transition programs.
The Journal of Cell Biology,
219(10), e201908036.
Raich, N., Contremoulins, V., & Karess, R. E. (2020). Immunostaining of Whole-Mount Drosophila Testes for 3D Confocal Analysis of Large Spermatocytes.
Journal of Visualized Experiments: JoVE,
Jain, S., Cachoux, V. M. L., Narayana, G. H. N. S., de Beco, S., D’Alessandro, J., Cellerin, V., Chen, T., Heuzé, M. L., Marcq, P., Mège, R.-M., Kabla, A. J., Lim, C. T., & Ladoux, B. (2020). The role of single cell mechanical behavior and polarity in driving collective cell migration.
Nature Physics,
16(7), 802–809.
Botté, A., Lainé, J., Xicota, L., Heiligenstein, X., Fontaine, G., Kasri, A., Rivals, I., Goh, P., Faklaris, O., Cossec, J.-C., Morel, E., Rebillat, A.-S., Nizetic, D., Raposo, G., & Potier, M.-C. (2020). Ultrastructural and dynamic studies of the endosomal compartment in Down syndrome.
Acta Neuropathologica Communications,
8(1), 89.
Doss, B. L., Pan, M., Gupta, M., Grenci, G., Mège, R.-M., Lim, C. T., Sheetz, M. P., Voituriez, R., & Ladoux, B. (2020). Cell response to substrate rigidity is regulated by active and passive cytoskeletal stress.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
117(23), 12817–12825.
Bidel, L. P. R., Meyer, S., Talhouët, A.-C., Baudin, X., Daniel, C., Cazals, G., & Streb, P. (2020). Epidermal UVA screening capacity measured in situ as an indicator of light acclimation state of leaves of a very plastic alpine plant Soldanella alpina L.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry: PPB,
151, 10–20.
Debernardi, J., Pioche-Durieu, C., Cam, E. L., Wiels, J., & Robert, A. (2020). Verotoxin-1-Induced ER Stress Triggers Apoptotic or Survival Pathways in Burkitt Lymphoma Cells.
12(5), 316.
Plan Sangnier, A., Van de Walle, A., Aufaure, R., Fradet, M., Motte, L., Guénin, E., Lalatonne, Y., & Wilhelm, C. (2020). Endosomal Confinement of Gold Nanospheres, Nanorods, and Nanoraspberries Governs Their Photothermal Identity and Is Beneficial for Cancer Cell Therapy.
Advanced Biosystems,
4(4), e1900284.
Talhouët, A.-C., Meyer, S., Baudin, X., & Streb, P. (2020). Dynamic acclimation to sunlight in an alpine plant, Soldanella alpina L.
Physiologia Plantarum,
168(3), 563–575.
Dilsizoglu Senol, A., Tagliafierro, L., Gorisse-Hussonnois, L., Rebeillard, F., Huguet, L., Geny, D., Contremoulins, V., Corlier, F., Potier, M.-C., Chasseigneaux, S., Darmon, M., & Allinquant, B. (2019). Protein interacting with Amyloid Precursor Protein tail-1 (PAT1) is involved in early endocytosis.
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences: CMLS,
76(24), 4995–5009.
Sanchez-Guzman, D., Le Guen, P., Villeret, B., Sola, N., Le Borgne, R., Guyard, A., Kemmel, A., Crestani, B., Sallenave, J.-M., & Garcia-Verdugo, I. (2019). Silver nanoparticle-adjuvanted vaccine protects against lethal influenza infection through inducing BALT and IgA-mediated mucosal immunity.
217, 119308.
Plan Sangnier, A., Van de Walle, A. B., Curcio, A., Le Borgne, R., Motte, L., Lalatonne, Y., & Wilhelm, C. (2019). Impact of magnetic nanoparticle surface coating on their long-term intracellular biodegradation in stem cells.
11(35), 16488–16498.
Heuzé, M. L., Sankara Narayana, G. H. N., D’Alessandro, J., Cellerin, V., Dang, T., Williams, D. S., Van Hest, J. C., Marcq, P., Mège, R.-M., & Ladoux, B. (2019). Myosin II isoforms play distinct roles in adherens junction biogenesis.
8, e46599.
Peyret, G., Mueller, R., d’Alessandro, J., Begnaud, S., Marcq, P., Mège, R.-M., Yeomans, J. M., Doostmohammadi, A., & Ladoux, B. (2019). Sustained Oscillations of Epithelial Cell Sheets.
Biophysical Journal,
117(3), 464–478.
Nguyen, T., Duchesne, L., Sankara Narayana, G. H. N., Boggetto, N., Fernig, D. D., Uttamrao Murade, C., Ladoux, B., & Mège, R.-M. (2019). Enhanced cell-cell contact stability and decreased N-cadherin-mediated migration upon fibroblast growth factor receptor-N-cadherin cross talk.
38(35), 6283–6300.
Duval, N., Vaslin, C., Barata, T. C., Frarma, Y., Contremoulins, V., Baudin, X., Nedelec, S., & Ribes, V. C. (2019). BMP4 patterns Smad activity and generates stereotyped cell fate organization in spinal organoids.
Development (Cambridge, England),
146(14), dev175430.
Chevalier, N. R., Dacher, N., Jacques, C., Langlois, L., Guedj, C., & Faklaris, O. (2019). Embryogenesis of the peristaltic reflex.
The Journal of Physiology,
597(10), 2785–2801.
Collot, M., Ashokkumar, P., Anton, H., Boutant, E., Faklaris, O., Galli, T., Mély, Y., Danglot, L., & Klymchenko, A. S. (2019). MemBright: A Family of Fluorescent Membrane Probes for Advanced Cellular Imaging and Neuroscience.
Cell Chemical Biology,
26(4), 600-614.e7.
Gauquelin, E., Tlili, S., Gay, C., Peyret, G., Mège, R.-M., Fardin, M. A., & Ladoux, B. (2019). Influence of proliferation on the motions of epithelial monolayers invading adherent strips.
Soft Matter,
15(13), 2798–2810.
Gupta, M., Doss, B. L., Kocgozlu, L., Pan, M., Mège, R.-M., Callan-Jones, A., Voituriez, R., & Ladoux, B. (2019). Cell shape and substrate stiffness drive actin-based cell polarity.
Physical Review. E,
99(1–1), 012412.
Walch, L., Pellier, E., Leng, W., Lakisic, G., Gautreau, A., Contremoulins, V., Verbavatz, J.-M., & Jackson, C. L. (2018). GBF1 and Arf1 interact with Miro and regulate mitochondrial positioning within cells.
Scientific Reports,
8(1), 17121.
Fernandes, J., Hamidi, F., Leborgne, R., Beau, R., Castier, Y., Mordant, P., Boukkerou, A., Latgé, J. P., & Pretolani, M. (2018). Penetration of the Human Pulmonary Epithelium by Aspergillus fumigatus Hyphae.
The Journal of Infectious Diseases,
218(8), 1306–1313.
Daste, F., Sauvanet, C., Bavdek, A., Baye, J., Pierre, F., Le Borgne, R., David, C., Rojo, M., Fuchs, P., & Tareste, D. (2018). The heptad repeat domain 1 of Mitofusin has membrane destabilization function in mitochondrial fusion.
EMBO Reports,
19(6), e43637.
Penrad-Mobayed, M., Perrin, C., L’Hôte, D., Contremoulins, V., Lepesant, J.-A., Boizet-Bonhoure, B., Poulat, F., Baudin, X., & Veitia, R. A. (2018). A role for SOX9 in post-transcriptional processes: insights from the amphibian oocyte.
Scientific Reports,
8(1), 7191.
Collot, M., Fam, T. K., Ashokkumar, P., Faklaris, O., Galli, T., Danglot, L., & Klymchenko, A. S. (2018). Ultrabright and Fluorogenic Probes for Multicolor Imaging and Tracking of Lipid Droplets in Cells and Tissues.
Journal of the American Chemical Society,
140(16), 5401–5411.
The user and user’s manager undertake to report any publication using results obtainedbplatform and to comply with the following requirements:
- The platform must be systematically acknowledged using the following formula: “We acknowledge the ImagoSeine core facility of the Institut Jacques Monod, member of the France BioImaging infrastructure (ANR-10-INBS-04) and GIS-IBiSA”.
- In addition : “and the support of La ligue contre le Cancer (R03/75-79)” for the results obtained with the Accuri, Cyan, Facs Aria Fusion analyzer and “and the support of the Region Île-de-France (Sesame)” for results obtained with ImageStream or SBF-SEM Teneo VS.
Publications with thanks from the ImagoSeine platform (2017-2024)
Leclercq, B., Weiner, A., Zola, M., Mejlacowicz, D., Lassiaz, P., Jonet, L., Gélizé, E., Perrot, J., Viengchareun, S., Zhao, M., & Behar-Cohen, F. (2023). The choroidal nervous system: a link between mineralocorticoid receptor and pachychoroid.
Acta Neuropathologica.
Augustin, S., Lam, M., Lavalette, S., Verschueren, A., Blond, F., Forster, V., Przegralek, L., He, Z., Lewandowski, D., Bemelmans, A.-P., Picaud, S., Sahel, J.-A., Mathis, T., Paques, M., Thuret, G., Guillonneau, X., Delarasse, C., & Sennlaub, F. (2023). Melanophages give rise to hyperreflective foci in AMD, a disease-progression marker.
Journal of Neuroinflammation,
20(1), 28.
Siegfried, H., Borgne, R. L., Durieu, C., Laplace, T. D. A., Verraes, A., Daunas, L., Verbavatz, J.-M., & Heuzé, M. L. (2023).
The ER tether VAPA is required for proper cell motility and anchors ER-PM contact sites to focal adhesions. bioRxiv.
Coly, P.-M., Chatterjee, S., Mezine, F., Jekmek, C. E., Devue, C., Nipoti, T., Corona, M. L., Dingli, F., Loew, D., Niel, G. van, & Boulanger, C. M. (2023).
Atheroprone shear stress stimulates noxious endothelial extracellular vesicle uptake by MCAM and PECAM-1 cell adhesion molecules. bioRxiv.
Berret, J.-F., & Graillot, A. (2022). Versatile Coating Platform for Metal Oxide Nanoparticles: Applications to Materials and Biological Science.
38(18), 5323–5338.
Velez-Aguilera, G., Ossareh-Nazari, B., Van Hove, L., Joly, N., & Pintard, L. (2022). Cortical microtubule pulling forces contribute to the union of the parental genomes in the Caenorhabditis elegans zygote.
11, e75382.
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